
2005 (2 publicaciones)

Imagen- Walton J. Cabrera, Marcela D. Urzúa and Hernán E. Ríos. “Influence of dodecyl alcohol on the potentiometric behavior of three p-alkylbenzene sulfonate ion selective electrodes”. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 288 (2), 517-520,  2005.

Imagen- Marcela D. Urzua, Fernando J. Mendizábal, Walton J. Cabrera and Hernán E. Ríos. “Interfacial properties of poly(maleic acid-alt-1-alkene) disodium salts at water/hydrocarbon interfaces”. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 281(1) 93–100,  2005.

2006  (7 publicaciones)

Imagen- Walton J. Cabrera, Marianne A. Kaempfe, Marcela D. Urzúa, Hernán E. Ríos. “Potentiometric behavior of ion-selective electrodes to large cationic species modulated by decyl alcohol”. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science  295 (1), 155-158, 2006.

Imagen- Briceño M., Escudey M., Galindo G., Borchardt D., and Chang A.C., “Comparison of extraction procedures used in the determination of P species by 31P-NMR in chilean volcanic soils”. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 37, 1-17, 2006.

Imagen- Monica Antilen, Nadia Araya, Margarita Briceño, Mauricio Escudey. “Changes on chemical fractions of heavy metals in Chilean soils amended with sewage sludge affected by a thermal impact”. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 44, 619-625, 2006.

Imagen- Leonel Rojo, Marcela K. Sjoberg, Paula Hernández, Cristian Zambrano, and Ricardo B.Maccioni. “Roles of Cholesterol and Lipids in the Etiopathogenesis of Alzheimer´s Disease”, Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. (3), 739-76, 2006.

Imagen- Julio Benites, José López, Jorge G. Farías and Manuel Cortés. “The preparation of oxigenated derivatives of ambrox and isoambrox from drimenol”. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society.  51 (3) 936-938, 2006.

Imagen- Leonel Rojo, Julio Benites, Ana Rodrígues, Florencia Venancio, Luis Ramalho, Adriano Teixeira, Sonia Feio, Maria do Ceu Costa. “Composition and Antimicrobial Screening of the Essential Oil of Acantholippia deserticola (Phil.ex F. Phil.) Moldenke”. Journal of Essential Oil Research, 18(6), 695-697, 2006. 

Imagen- Julio Benites, Veronica Armstrong, Manuel Cortés. “New Cyclic Acetals related with Ambergris and their olfactory evaluation”. Journal Chemical Research,  649 – 650, 2006.

2008 (9 publicaciones)

Imagen- Karen F. Neumann, Leonel Rojo, Leonardo P. Navarrete, Gonzalo Farías, Paula Reyes and Ricardo B. Maccioni. “Insulin resistance and Alzheimer's disease: molecular links & clinical implications”. Current Alzheimer Research. 5(5),438-447, 2008.

Imagen- Manuel Lavados, Marta Guillón, María Cristina Mujica, Leonel E. Rojo, Patricio Fuentes and Ricardo B. Maccioni. “Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer patients display different levels of Redox-active CSF Iron”. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 13(2), 225-232, 2008.

Imagen- Jorge A. Fernandez, Leonel Rojo, Rodrigo O. Kuljis and Ricardo. B. Maccioni. “The damage signals hypothesis of Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis” Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease. 14(3) 329-333, 2008.

Imagen- Leonel E. Rojo, Jorge A. Fernandez, Andrea A. Maccioni, José M. Jimenez and Ricardo B. Maccioni “Neuroinflammation: implications for the pathogenesis and molecular diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease”. Archives of Medical Research, 39(1):1-16, 2008.

Imagen- Antilén M., Briceño M., Galindo G., and Escudey M. “Effect of biosolids on the organic matter content and phosphorus chemical fractionation of heated volcanic Chilean soils”. Australian Journal of Soil Research 46, 415-422, 2008.

Imagen- Manuel Gacitúa, Mónica Antilén and Margarita Briceño. “K–Ca–Mg binary cation exchange in saline soils from the north of Chile”. Australian Journal of Soil Research. 46(8), 745-750, 2008.

Imagen- Julio Benites, Jaime A. Valderrama, Felipe Rivera, Leonel Rojo, Nair Campos, Madalena Pedro, María Säo José Nascimento. “Studies on Quinones. Part 42. Synthesis of Furylquinone and Hydroquinones with Antiproliferative Activity against Human Tumor Cell Lines”. Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry. 16(2), 862-868, 2008.

Imagen- Jorge Gonzalo Farias, Eduardo Bustos Obregón, Pablo José Tapia,  Eduardo Gutiérrez,  Andrea Zepeda, Camila Juantok, Gonzalo Cruz,  Gustavo Soto, Julio Benites  and Juan Guillermo Reyes. “Time Course of Endocrine  Changes in the Hypophysis-Gonad Axis Induced by Hypobaric Hypoxia in  Male Rats”.   Journal of Reproduction and Development. 54(1),18-21, 2008.

Imagen- Julio Benites, Leonel Rojo, Jaime A. Valderrama, Isabelle Blave, Henryk Taper and Pedro Buc Calderón. “Part 1: Anticancer activity of two euryfurylbenzoquinones on TLT, a murine hepatoma cell line. Role of vitamin C in the mechanisms leading to cell death”. European Journal Medicinal Chemistry 43, 1813 – 1817, 2008.

2009 (8 publicaciones)

Imagen- Juan P. Ogalde, Bernardo T. Arriaza, Elia C. Soto. “Identification of psychoactive alkaloids in ancient Andean human hair by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry”. Journal of Archaeological Science 36 467–472, 2009.

Imagen- Ricardo B. Maccioni, Leonel E. Rojo, Jorge A. Fernández, Rodrigo O. Kuljis. “The role of neuroimmunomodulation in Alzheimer's disease”. Neuroimmunomodulation Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 1153, 240-246, 2009.

Imagen- Julio Benites, Jaime A. Valderrama. Henryk Taper and Pedro Buc. “Part 2: Influence of 2-euryfuryl-1,4-naphthoquinone and its peri-hydroxy derivatives on both cell death and metabolism of TLT cells, a murine hepatoma cell line. Modulation of cytotoxicity by vitamin C”. Chemical & Pharmaceutical Bulletin 57(6) 615—619, 2009.

Imagen- A. Azúa-Bustos; C. González-Silva;  R. A. Mancilla ; L. Salas;  R. E. Palma; J. J. Wynne; C. P. McKay; R. “Ancient Photosynthetic Eukaryote Biofilms in an Atacama Desert Coastal Cave”  Microbial Ecology 58:485–496, 2009.

Imagen- Venecia Herrera; Ida de Gregori; Hugo Pinochet. “Assesment of trace elements and mobility of Arsenic and Manganese in Lagoon Sediments of the Huasco and Coposa Salt Flats, Chilean Altiplano” Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 54(3),282-288, 2009.

Imagen- Leonel E. Rojo, Julio Benites, José López, Mauricio Rojas, Pilar Diaz, Edgar Pastene, Jose Ordoñez. “Comparative study on the antioxidant effects and phenolic content of twelve highly consumed medicinal plants from SouthAmerican Andes”. Boletin Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Plantas Medicinales  y Aromáticas 8 (6), 498 – 508,  2009.

Imagen- Venecia Herrera; Ida de Gregori; Hugo Pinochet. “Trace Elements and Operational Speciation of Antimony, Arsenic, Copper, Iron, Manganese and Zinc in Soils of two High-Andean Salars of North Chile”. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society, 54(4), 454-459, 2009.

Imagen- Julio Benites, Cristina Moiteiro, Graça Miguel, Leonel Rojo, José López, Florência Venâncio, Luís Ramalho, Sónia Feio, Susana Dandlen, Hugo Casanova and Iván Torres. “Composition and Biological Activity of the Essential Oil of Peruvian Lantana camara”. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society,  54 (4), 379 – 384, 2009.

2010 (10 publicaciones)

Imagen- Nicolas Dejeans, Nicolas Tajeddine, Raphaël Beck, Julien Verrax, Henryk Taper, Philippe Gailly, Pedro Buc Calderon “Endoplasmic reticulum calcium release potentiates the ER stress and cell death caused by an oxidative stress in MCF-7 cells” Biochemical Pharmacology, 79,  9, 1221-1230, 2010. 

Imagen- Daniella Cristina Ventini, Renato Mancini Astray, Marcos Alexandre Nobre Lemos, Soraia Attie Calil Jorge, Camilo Calderón, Claudio Alberto Torres Suazo, Aldo Tonso, Carlos Augusto Pereira. Recombinant rabies virus glycoprotein synthesis in birreactor by transfected Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells carrying a constitutive or an inducible promoter. Journal of Biotechnology 146(4), 169-172, 2010. 

Imagen- Leonel E. Rojo, Jans Alzate-Morales, Iván N. Saavedra, Peter Davies and  Ricardo B. Maccioni. “Selective Interaction of Lansoprazole and Astemizole with Tau Polymers: Potential New Clinical Use in Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease”. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease 19, 573–589, 2010.

Imagen- Juan M. Sandoval, Philippe Levêque, Bernard Gallez, Claudio C. Vásquez, and Pedro Buc Calderon. “Tellurite-induced oxidative stress leads to cell death of murine hepatocarcinoma cells”. Biometals, 23, 623–632, 2010. 

Imagen- David Vásquez, Jaime A. Rodríguez, Cristina Theoduloz, Pedro Buc Calderon, Jaime A. Valderrama “Studies on Quinones. Part 46. Synthesis and in vitro antitumor evaluation of aminopyrimidoisoquinolinequinones” European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 45(11), 5234-5242, 2010.

Imagen- Julio Benites, Jaime A. Valderrama, Karina Bettega, Rozangela Curi Pedrosa, Pedro Buc Calderon, and Julien Verrax  “Biological Evaluation of Donor-Acceptor Aminonaphthoquinones as Antitumor Agents” European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry . 45,(12), 6052-6057, 2010.

Imagen- Felipe Bravo, Claudio Lobos, Karina Venegas and  Julio Benites,  “Development and validation of an GC-NPD/micro-ECD method using dual column for the determination of benzodiazepine in human whole blood and plasma” Journal Chilean Chemical Society . 55, 454 – 457, 2010. 

Imagen- Marjorie Troncoso Valenzuela,  Sandra Gajardo Solari,  Julio Benites Vílchez,  José López Vivar, Mauricio Rojas Arredondo. “Mangifera indica y Psidium guayava: determinación de la actividad antimicrobiana de las cáscaras liofilizadas en la formulación de una loción hidroalcohólica para el acné” BIOFARBO, 18 (2), 1-9, 2010

Imagen- Julio Benites Vílchez,  José  López Vivar,  Francisca Kusch Fuschlocher,  Sandra Gajardo Solari, Graciela Jorquera Arancibia,  Gabriela Salazar Rodríguez, Mauricio Rojas Arredondo. “Actividad antioxidante, antibacteriana y analgésica de extractos de Mangifera indica L”  BIOFARBO, 18 (2), 10-19, 2010. 

Imagen- Karina Zarria Torres, Sandra Gajardo Solari, Julio Benites Vílchez, José López Vivar, Mauricio Rojas Arredondo. “Formulación y evaluación de la estabilidad de una serie de vehículos, para el desarrollo de un biopesticida a base de aceite esencial de Acantholippia deserticola” BIOFARBO, 18 (2), 20-30, 2010.

2011 (16  publicaciones)

Imagen- Leonel E. Rojo, Jans Alzate-Morales, Iván N. Saavedra, Peter Davies and Ricardo B. Maccioni. “Selective interaction of lansoprazole and astemizole with tau polymers. Potential new clinical use in AD diagnosis” Journal of Alzheimer’s  Disease, 19, 573 -589, 2011. 

Imagen- Leonel E. Rojo, Pablo Gaspar, Ricardo B. Maccioni “Molecular targets in the rational design of ad specific PET tracers: tau and amyloid aggregates”  Current Alzheimer Research. 8 (6), 652 – 658, 2011

Imagen- Julio Benites, Jaime A. Valderrama, Henryk Taper and Pedro Buc Calderon. “An in vitro comparative study with furyl-1,4-quinones endowed with anticancer activities” Investigation in New Drugs 29: 760–767, 2011.

Imagen- Julio Benites, David Rios, Pilar Díaz, Jaime A. Valderrama.  “The solar-chemical Photo-Friedel-Crafts heteroacylation of 1,4-quinones”  Tetrahedron Letters. 52, 609–611, 2011.

Imagen- Benjamin Lemaire, Michaël Beck, Mélanie Jaspart, Cathy Debier, Pedro Buc Calderon, Jean-Pierre Thomé and Jean-François Rees. “Precision-Cut Liver Slices of Salmo salar as a tool to investigate the oxidative impact of CYP1A-mediated PCB 126 and 3-methylcholanthrene metabolism” Toxicology in vitro, 25, 335–342, 2011.  

Imagen- Julio Benites, José Lopez, Leonel Rojo, Pilar Diaz, Mauricio Rojas, Florência Venâncio and Cristina Moiteiro. “Chemical Composition of the Essential Oil of the Leaves and Steams of Xenophillum poposum” Chemistry of Natural Compounds 46(6), 988-989, 2011. 

Imagen- Julien Verrax, Raphael Beck, Nicolas Dejeans, Christophe Glorieux, Brice Sid, Rozangela C. Pedrosa, Julio Benites, David Vásquez, Jaime A. Valderrama and Pedro Buc Calderon. “Redox-active quinones and ascorbate: an innovative cancer therapy that exploits the vulnerability of cancer cells to oxidative stress” Anticancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 11(2), 213-221, 2011.

Imagen- Jaime A. Valderrama, Andrea Ibacache, Jaime A. Rodriguez, Cristina Theoduloz, Julio Benites “Studies on Quinones. Part 47. Synthesis of novel phenylaminophenanthridinequinones as potential antitumor agents” European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry. 46, 3398-3409, 2011. 

Imagen- R. Beck, N. Dejeans, C. Glorieux, R.C. Pedrosa, D. Vásquez, J. A. Valderrama, P. B. Calderon and J. Verrax. “Molecular Chaperone Hsp90 as a Target for Oxidant-Based Anticancer Therapies”. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 18 (18), 2816 -2825,  2011. 

Imagen- Christophe Glorieux, Nicolas Dejeans, Brice Sid, Raphaël Beck, Pedro Buc Calderon, and Julien Verrax “Catalase overexpression in mammary cancer cells leads to a less aggressive phenotype and an altered response to chemotherapy” Biochemical Pharmacology 82, 1384–1390, 2011.

Imagen- Julio Benites, Rodrigo Díaz, José López, Sandra Gajardo, Francisca Kusch, Mauricio Rojas. ”Actividad antioxidante  y antibacteriana de seis frutos del oasis de Pica”. Biofarbo 19(1), 1 – 7, 2011.

Imagen- Sandra Gajardo Solari, Julio Benites Vílchez, José López Vivar, Natalia Burgos Hermosilla, Constanza Caro Galán, Mauricio Rojas Arredondo. “Astaxantina: antioxidante de origen natural con variadas aplicaciones en cosmética”. Biofarbo 19(2), Diciembre 2011, 6-12 .

Imagen- Julio Benites, Felipe Bravo, Mauricio Rojas, Rose Fuentes, Cristina Moiteiro, Florência Venâncio. “Composition and antimicrobial screening of the essential oil of the leaves and stems of Senecio atacamensis Phil. from Chile” Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society. 56 (2), 712-714, 2011.

Imagen- Felipe Bravo, Diego Gonzalez and Julio Benites. “Development and validation of a solid-phase extraction gas chromatography–mass spectrometry method for the simultaneous quantification of opioid drugs in human whole blood and plasma”. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society  56 (3),  799-803, 2011.

Imagen- Julien Verrax, Nicolas Dejeans, Brice Sid, Christophe Glorieux, Pedro Buc Calderon. “Intracellular ATP levels determine cell death fate of cancer cells exposed to both standard and redox chemotherapeutic agents” Biochemical Pharmacology 82, 1540–1548, 2011.

Imagen- Raphaël Beck, Rozangela Curi Pedrosa, Nicolas Dejeans, Christophe Glorieux, Philippe Levêque,  Bernard Gallez, Henryk Taper, Stéphane Eeckhoudt , Laurent Knoops, Pedro Buc Calderon, Julien Verrax. “Ascorbate/menadione-induced oxidative stress kills cancer cells that express normal or mutated forms of the oncogenic protein Bcr-Abl. An in vitro and in vivo mechanistic study”  Investigational in  New Drugs (2011) 29:891–900.

2012 (7  publicaciones)

Imagen- Nicolas Dejeans, Christophe Glorieux, Samuel Guenin, Raphael Beck, Brice Sid, Rejane Rousseau, Bettina Bisig , Philippe Delvenne, Pedro Buc Calderon, Julien Verrax. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 52 (2012) 993–1002.

Imagen- David R. Vásquez, Julien Verrax, Jaime A. Valderrama, Pedro Buc Calderon. “Aminopyrimidoisoquinolinequinone (APIQ) redox cycling is potentiated by ascorbate and induces oxidative stress leading to necrotic-like cancer cell death”  Investigation in New Drugs , 2012, 30:1003–1011.

Imagen- Maicon R Kviecinski; Rozangela Curi Pedrosa; Karina Bettega Felipe; Mirelle Farias; Christophe Glorieux; Manuel Valenzuela; Brice Sid; Julio Benites; Jaime A Valderrama; Julien Verrax; Pedro Buc Calderon. “Inhibition of cell proliferation and migration by oxidative stress from ascorbate-driven juglone redox cycling in human bladder-derived T24 cells. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 421 (2012) 268–273.

Imagen- Gaspar PA, Bustamante ML, Rojo LE, Martinez A. (2012) From Glutamatergic dysfunction to cognitive impairment: Boundaries in the therapeutic of the  schizophrenia. Curr. Pharm Biotech 2012 Jan 26 (In Press)

Imagen- Maccioni RB,  Farías G, Rojo LE  and Jiménez JM  (2012) “In the search of therapeutic solutions for Alzheimer’s disease” In: "Brain Disorders", ISBN 978-953-307-612-6 (In Press).

Imagen- Julio Benites, Eunices Gutierrez, José López, Mauricio Rojas, Leonel Rojo, Maria do Céu Costa, M. Pilar Vinardell and Pedro Buc Calderon. (2012). “Evaluation of Analgesic Activities of Tremetone Derivatives Isolated from the Chilean Altiplan Medicine Parastrephia lepidophylla” Natural Product Communications 7 (5), 611 – 614, 2012.

Imagen- Felipe Bravo, Cecilia Contzen, Julio Mollo, Pedro Buc Calderon and Julio Benites. Validation of a method to detect cocaine and benzoylecgonine in human whole blood by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry and application in body packers and stuffers cases in the North of Chile. Journal of the Chilean Chemical Society. (In Press).